[Jan. 25 - 27, 2022] Photonics West, San Francisco

AUREA Technology is showing its self-contained quantum optics instruments at SPIE Photonics West in February 2022 in San Francisco.
Please come and discuss with AUREA Technology's experts about your quantum communication projects, TCSPC time-correlation and picosecond laser requirements at booth 3170.
SPIE Photonics West is the largest and most influential conference and exhibition for photonics, quantum technologies, biomedical optics, industrial lasers, optoelectronics, and microfabrication.
[Besançon, October 2019] AUREA Technology introduces its High-brightness Entangled Photon-Pairs Source

AUREA Technology unveils the QUANTAXEA, its ultra-high-brightness turn-key Entangled Photon-Pairs Source.
[Besançon, December 2019] AUREA Technology is finalist at the 2020 prism award

AUREA Technology is proud to be a finalist at the 2020 prism award for its its ultra-high-brightness, narrow-bandwidth turn-key Entangled Photon-Pairs Source at telecom wavelength !
[Besançon, January 2019] AUREA Technology introduces its 4-channels TCSPC module

AUREA Technology unveils the CHRONOXEA, its 4-channels Time Correlation Module that makes acquiring time-resolved data in an efficient, easy-to-use and affordable soltution.